Hjólabretti hannað af Ólafi Elíassyni


Mekanism Skateboards enlisted Eliasson to collaborate on a skateboard creation project that is named “Your Mercury Ocean”. This is the first time any artist had worked the surface in 3D at Mekanism Skateboard. The 13-ply deck (as opposed to the usual 7 ply) was milled on top and bottom to create different levels and eventually coated with a mirrored finish to give an impression of waves on well, a mercury ocean. As the artist intends, the skateboard reflects light differently in different environments with different skate maneuvers, challenging the viewer and skater’s perception and relation to his surroundings. This project came out as an impressive collection of 90 decks with 10 artist proofs and 10 exhibition pieces. Mekanism Skateboard and Eliasson took the art of skateboarding to a transcendental level that is out of this world and is absolutely sophisticated.

Ekki vissi ég samt að Óli El hafi verið break-dansari áður... meira hér.


HookUp:  FreshnessMag.com

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