Andrew Bynum er greinilega klįr ķ slaginn

Bynum hress 

Andrew Bynum er greinilega bśinn aš nį sér eftir hnémeišslin sķšan ķ febrśar.  Sįst til hans į Playboy setrinu ķ massķvu partķi aš djamma meš stelpunum. 

"He picked up Playmate Nicole Narain and placed her on his shoulders and got somebody to take a picture with his digital camera.

Upper-body strength, check.

He hopped over a velvet rope near the DJ booth so he could take a picture with Narain and other Playmates who ended up sitting on his lap.

Jumping ability, check.

He sidestepped a few of the roaming cameras and got down with some Playmates on the checkered dance floor set up in the backyard.

Lateral movement, check.

Later, with lines around the bar getting longer, he pulled out a bottled beverage from one pocket and four plastic cups from another and offered up drinks to three Playmates who were with him.  

Ability to adjust to game situations, check."

Žaš er bara vonandi aš strįkurinn verši jafnsprękur žegar śrslitakeppnin byrjar.

HookUp: Žrettįndi sigur Cleveland ķ röš
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

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1 Smįmynd: Ómar Ingi

 sko Trśšana ķ Cleveland

Ómar Ingi, 1.4.2009 kl. 12:07

2 Smįmynd: Emmcee

Sko, Bynum er eila ķ Lakers.

Emmcee, 1.4.2009 kl. 12:47

3 identicon

Ég į ekki orš... er žetta einhver viska śr Breišholtinu?  Bynum, Cavs...hmmm

Ragnar Mįr (IP-tala skrįš) 2.4.2009 kl. 00:39

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