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Pietrus brillerar alveg: "de tú líttul görlz? Family House?... Family Guy?"
For days, Shaq has been talking up a personal experiment: Is he so famous that he can just walk up without an appointment and get into the White House? He took an impromptu survey Friday on a DC sports radio show. "Check this out, I got on a nice suit, I'm in D.C. paying a visit, I jump out of a cab in front of the White House, I don't use none of my political/law enforcement connections. If I go to the gate and say, 'Hey, I'm in town, I would like to see the President,' do I get in, or do I not get in?" Shaq asked. Well, he tried. On Sunday afternoon, Shaq arrived in D.C. and promptly Twittered that he was headed over to the White House. Would the Secret Service bend the rules? Don't think so. A few hours later, Shaq updated again: "The white house wouldn't let me in, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?" he wrote.
HookUp: Newsweek
Meth og Red ræða Nas og Kelis
"It's about the children, goddamn it!" Klassík... tékkið á svipnum á Redman á 0:26.
Shaq MJ "Beat It" Tribute
Aah... sumar og nákvæmlega ekkert að gerast í NBA deildinni. Shaq lætur hins vegar ekki sitt eftir liggja og kemur með sitt eigið MJ tribute. Hvað er annars að frétta með Damon Jones þarna?!
We Won't Allow Witnesses
Samsett mynd bæðevei...
Snoop Dogg's Lakers Low Rider
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