Michael Jordan Moment 20

Bulls vs. Pistons, Nov 11, 1992

By Joe Dumars, former NBA player

I remember hitting that shot and being extremely happy about giving us a one-point lead. And in the midst of that happiness, they called a timeout. As I went to sit on the bench, it dawned on me. There still were four seconds remaining, and there was no question who was going to get the ball.

So that happiness dissipated really quickly. It was only a matter of whether I'd be able to force him into a tough shot. I did. He was so far behind the 3-point line, but that wasn't quite enough. When the ball was halfway to the hoop, I just started walking off the floor, because I realized he had gotten a great look at the basket when he went up. Even though he was 30 feet away, I knew he had gotten too good a look.

 That's what defines him as the best I've ever seen. Guys defend him tough and do everything the right way, and he still makes the spectacular play.

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