Stal Shaq hugmyndinni aš "Shaq VS" af Steve Nash?

Shortly after O'Neal was traded to the Suns in February 2008, Nash mentioned to his new teammate a reality show he was pursuing. It would feature the Suns point guard taking on professional athletes in their own sport.

The topic didn't come up again until early in the 2008-09 season, when O'Neal boarded the Suns bus and told the team he would be starring in a new reality show in which he would be taking on, you got it, professional athletes in their own sport.

"You mean the idea you stole from me?" one Suns representative said he heard Nash say.

Nash fór ķ žaš aš vitja réttar sķns ķ žessu mįli og er nś oršinn "executive producer" af žęttinum.  Mašur aš nafni Todd Gallagher hefur hins vegar höfšaš mįl gegn Shaq śt af žessu mįli og segir aš hugmyndin aš baki žęttinum sé ķskyggilega lķk bók hans, "Andy Roddick Beat Me With a Frying Pan", žar sem Gallagher skorar į ķžróttamenn ķ žeirra greinum.

HookUp:  The Arizona Republic og Ball Don't Lie

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