Donald Sterling er ekki alveg meš žetta

A couple of months ago this was going to be the summer of all summers for the Clippers, a fresh start, a chance to hire a new coach, $17 million in cap space to go after LeBron or other big names like him and make a huge splash.

And so they signed Randy Foye and Ryan Gomes.

Or, as Sterling put it, "If I really called the shots we wouldn't have signed Gomes and what's the other guy's name?

"You know, they told me if we built a new practice facility we'd attract all the top players in the game," Sterling adds. "I guess I should have doubled the size of this place."

He's no different than most Clippers fans.

"I swear to you, I never heard of these guys," Sterling says, "but what if the coach says he wants them?"

Og svo velta menn žvķ fyrir sér hvers vegna Los Angeles Clippers gangi alltaf svona illa.  Kannski vegna žess aš eigandi lišsins hefur ekki hugmynd um hvaš allt žetta snżst.  Ég hélt aš žaš vęri nóg fyrir lišiš aš losa sig viš Mike Dunleavy en svo viršist sem rót vandans nįi dżpra.

HookUp:  True Hoop / LA Times

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