Knicks einnig aš skoša T-Mac

The Knicks would love to package either Jared Jeffries or Eddy Curry to acquire McGrady, which would give the club additional cap space this summer to sign two free agents - perhaps LeBron James and Chris Bosh or Joe Johnson - to max contracts.

But the feeling around the league is that the Rockets could do better with Al Harrington, who also has an expiring contract. Including Danilo Gallinari in a package may interest Houston, but, according to a team source, the Knicks are not prepared to make that type of offer.

Ég ętla rétt aš vona aš žeir lįti ekki Gallinari frį sér.  Held aš žaš sé framtķš ķ žeim strįk, en mašur er višbśinn öllu žegar kemur aš New York Knicks.

HookUp:  NY Daily News

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