Magic Johnson heldur aš NY verši fyrir valinu hjį LeBron nęsta sumar

"They're in the lead, they just have to make it [attractive] for him. LeBron will come to New York if he knows they're gonna win. . . . So, if they sign a free agent first, that would probably seal the deal, I believe. They should have somebody else on their radar to make him want to come."

Hann telur aš LeBron og Dwyane Wade geti ekki spilaš saman ķ liši žar sem žeir žurfi bįšir mikiš aš vera meš boltann.

"He could really be a 'King' if he could revitalize the Knicks, you got some of the best basketball fans in the world, and now you could be responsible for bringing a championship back to New York. Now, it's gonna take a few years, because you still gotta add more pieces. He's got more talent in Cleveland, but he can do more incredible things in New York."

Magic segir aš LeBron ętti aš semja til skamms tķma og halda öšrum möguleikum opnum ķ framtķšinni.

"I would say for [LeBron], and knowing what he wants to accomplish, if he said he wants to be a billionaire, or close to it, you gotta go to New York,and I would tell him this: 'Wherever you go, sign for three or four years, and then look at the situation.'"

"If you don't like it, you could go somewhere else. I think he's looking at the Knicks very, very hard. He really probably wants to go to New York, but I think he's gonna see what both teams end up doing, who has the most talent."

HookUp:  NYPost

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1 Smįmynd: Ómar Ingi

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Ómar Ingi, 14.12.2009 kl. 22:20

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