Allen Iverson hengir skóna į hilluna
Einn besti bakvöršur ķ sögu deildarinnar, Allen Iverson hefur sagt skiliš viš NBA deildina ķ bréfi til ašdįenda sinna:
I would like to announce my plans to retire from the National Basketball Association. I always thought that when I left the game, it would be because I couldn't help my team the way that I was accustomed to. However, that is not the case.
I still have tremendous love for the game, the desire to play, and a whole lot left in my tank. I feel strongly that I can still compete at the highest level.
Stepping away from the game will allow me to spend quality time with my wife and kids. This is a reward that far exceeds anything that I've ever achieved on the basketball court. I have prayed for this day and I see it as my greatest gift.
Boston Celtics höfšu velt žvķ fyrir sér aš pikka hann upp en ekkert varš af žvķ. Aš mķnu mati ömurlegur endir į annars frįbęrum ferli Iverson. Hefši viljaš sjį hann spila įfram hvort sem hann kom af bekknum eša ekki.
Meginflokkur: Ķžróttir | Aukaflokkur: NBA | Breytt s.d. kl. 17:35 | Facebook
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