Dwight Howard ķ bullinu meš klįmmyndaleikkonu

Klįmmyndaleikkonan Mary Carey segir frį samskiptum sķnum viš Dwight Howard, a.k.a. D-12, a.k.a. Superman:

“Yeah, Dwight and I met at LAX. I was like, you’re a basketball player, and he was like, I’ve seen you at Magic games, so he recognized me from games. I used to always get written up when I went to games for causing distractions and stuff.”

“Dwight’s a cool guy. For a month, we like talked on the phone, and he was always trying to give me prayers to get me out of porn and give me Bible verses to read. So then, I was going to go visit him when I was in Orlando, but I went over to this other guy’s house instead, Chris Kirkpatrick from N’Sync.  And then Dwight started calling, and calling, and calling me, because he knew I was with Chris Kirkpatrick, so eventually at 3 in the morning, Chris was like don’t answer Dwight’s calls. I get a text from Dwight at 3 in the morning - I’m outside Chris’s house. I’m like oh my god, what do I do? I was like, I got Dwight here and I got Chris in the other room and I’m talking to them back and forth. So finally I had to just pull Dwight in the bathroom and tell him he needs to go home. I was like I’m really sorry, I really like you, but this isn’t the time or place. When I pull him in the bathroom, he pulls his pants down, I was like, whooa. Yeah, and so I ran and started screaming…Well if it wasn’t for the Chris thing at the time, I really liked Dwight and maybe I would have furthered this. But I was at the guy’s house I was dating so it was inappropriate. So he totally thought he totally offended me. So I saved - he and I used to talk on instant messenger, on AOL - so he was apologizing; sorry, that was out of character for me, blah blah blah. I saved all the instant messages and I’ve been putting them all in a book. So I’ve got a lot of evidence. I’ve got an evidence file.”

HookUp:  Sports Radio Interviews


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1 identicon

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA žetta er eitthvaš fyndasta sem ég hef lesiš!

Trausti Stefįnsson (IP-tala skrįš) 6.11.2009 kl. 15:33

2 identicon

Og žaš aš vera hafnaš fyrir Chris Kirkpatrick segir żmislegt um Dwight Howard!

Trausti Stefįnsson (IP-tala skrįš) 6.11.2009 kl. 15:35

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