Iverson strax farinn aš vęla
Žaš tók ekki nema einn leik hjį Memphis Grizzlies til aš fį Allen Iverson til aš tuša og nöldra ķ fjölmišlum um hlutverk sitt hjį lišinu. Žessum manni er ekki višbjargandi. Viš hverju bjóst hann?
"I am not a reserve basketball player. I've never been a reserve all my life and I'm not going to start looking at myself as a reserve," he said. "That's something for the media to talk about. It's only a big issue when the media talks about it. The subject never came up in my career until everything happened in Detroit last year. No one talked about me being a sub or anything like that until last year. In all of the other years of my career it never came up. I've been a starter on All-Star teams, Olympic teams and NBA Finals teams. It's just a big deal now."
HookUp: Miami Herald
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