Kobe er ferskur og tilbśinn ķ slaginn
With no international basketball competition this summer, Lakers shooting guard Kobe Bryant was glad for the opportunity to just rest, and perhaps even enjoy a little boredom. And that could be a bad thing for the rest of the NBA.
"I feel fresher, healthier, as healthy as I've felt in a long time," Bryant told the Los Angeles Times. "I haven't had a chance to take a month and a half off in quite some time."
Bryant was able to jump right into training camp this year, whereas last year he and power forward Pau Gasol were give several days off to help them ease their Olympic transitions.
Ólķkt honum LöBrįn Djeims sem er bśinn aš vera śt um allan heim aš kynna nżju skóna sķna og žessa blessušu bķómynd um hann og high school félaga hans. Žaš er eins gott aš hann sé ķ žokkalegu formi žegar hann kemur aftur ķ training camp. Hefši haldiš aš hann vęri bśinn aš įtta sig į žvķ aš žaš er enginn aš fara aš rétta honum NBA titil į silfurfati.
HookUp: The Baseline
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