HP is definitely stepping up their game with their new release of Envy 13 and Envy 15 with the numerals corresponding to their screen size. Envy is pretty much taking on the MacBook aesthetics and running it with the Windows platforms. So it is no surprise that HP have stepped that up even further by producing a collaboration model with none other than hip hop legend Dr. Dre for their limited edition Envy 15.
This model is 1 inch thick and weighs 5.18 pounds that features the single button trackpad, Core i7 processor, dual SSD drives and high end Radeon HD 4830 graphics with 1GB of VRAM. If that doesnt make sense then it doesnt matter because the menacing all black exterior and interior might just be enough to tempt you. Finished of with a red Beats logo on the front cover that would match perfectly to the Beats headphone.
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Meira į FreshnessMag.com.
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Ekki mašur meš viti sem notar, bara konur.
Ómar Ingi, 3.10.2009 kl. 03:05
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