Michael Jordan Moment 22
Bulls vs. Hornets, Feb 11, 1997
By Glen Rice, former NBA player
Michael Jordan always would start the game out kind of slow, and then the minute you started talking trash to him, he elevated his game to the next level. Neither team was backing down, as guys were playing hard defense and offense. As the end of the game approached, all of a sudden, here comes Michael once again with the dagger. Swoosh.
The main priority when you were playing the Bulls was to do your best not to let Michael Jordan beat you. Even though everyone in the arena knew who was going to get the ball, we still couldn't figure out how to stop him from getting the shot off.
I remember the ball leaving his hands, and I knew it was in there. I mean, c'mon, we're talking about Michael Jordan here.
Tjékkaðu á þessu
Arnar (IP-tala skráð) 6.9.2009 kl. 19:50
Þessar körfur voru svo hversdagslegar að það er varla fagnað - marki í handbolta er fagnað meira en sigurkörfu frá MJ.
Krissi (IP-tala skráð) 7.9.2009 kl. 12:27
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