David Kahn reynir įfram aš nį Rubio lausum

For Kahn, this is his third trip to Spain to negotiate for Rubio’s rights in the two months since the Wolves selected the 18-year-old with the fifth pick of the NBA draft.

‘I’m very proud that the Timberwolves came to Spain to get me,’ Rubio said, according to El Mundo Deportivo, which reported that Kahn, agent Dan Fegan and Joventut president Jordi Villacampa had dinner together Saturday night.

‘It doesn’t surprise me because they have been there all the time, and I always said that my priority was to go to the NBA. I know there was a meeting last night, and now there’s chances for both sides,’ Rubio said, according to El Mundo Deportivo.

HookUp:  ESPN.com

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Rubio var fyrr ķ kvöld aš skrifa undir tveggja įra samning hjį Barcelona.

Ragnar Mįr (IP-tala skrįš) 1.9.2009 kl. 00:12

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