Lamar Odom semur aftur viš Lakers

Hjśkkett! fyrir ykkur Lakers-dśdda žarna śti og meš frįgangi į žessum samningi eru Lakers-menn aš mķnu mati komnir hįlfa leiš ķ back-to-back titil.

Free agent forward Lamar Odom will return to the Los Angeles Lakers, an NBA source said Thursday.

One source close to the process told that Odom will come away with a guaranteed $27 million from the new contract, matching the original value of the three-year, $27 million deal Lakers owner Jerry Buss pulled off the table earlier this month. It’s believed that the structure of the new deal calls for Odom to earn $25 million over the first three seasons, with the Lakers owing him $2 million in the fourth year if they elect not to pick up their team option.


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