Cleveland Cavs uppįhald NBA deildarinnar

Cleveland_CavaliersDagskrį NBA deildarinnar nęsta tķmabiliš hefur ekki veriš gerš opinber enn en skv. heimildum žį munu Cleveland Cavaliers leika fyrsta leik tķmabilsins gegn Boston Celtics og einnig į jóladag gegn Los Angeles Lakers, bęši prime-time sżningartķmar.  Žessi žrjś liš viršast vera hin heilaga žrenning deildarinnar sem stendur.

The NBA schedule isn't expected to be officially released until early next month and things may yet change, but according to multiple sources the Cavs are set to be featured early and often. As of the current schedule that was obtained by The Plain Dealer, the team is set to kickoff the NBA season by hosting the Boston Celtics on Oct. 27 in a game probably set for TNT.

Then on Christmas Day, the Cavs appear to be slated to be the one of the marquee games for ABC as they will be in Los Angeles to play the Lakers. This is not unexpected as the Lakers-Cavs were a major draw even before the Cavs traded for Shaquille O'Neal. Shaq and former teammate Kobe Bryant have met on Christmas several times in the past when O'Neal was with the Miami Heat.

HookUp:  Cleveland Plain Dealer

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