Carlos Boozer lķklega į leiš til Miami Heat

Forward Carlos Boozer and the Utah Jazz have "mutually agreed" to a trade that the two-time all-star hopes will send him to South Florida, Boozer told the Miami Herald.

Boozer, who has spent every offseason in Miami since 2004, said it would be a "beautiful thing" to play for the Heat, where he could be reunited with friend and Olympic teammate Dwyane Wade.

HookUp:  The Baseline

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1 identicon

Sęlir, ętli koma Boozers til Florida verši ekki nóg til aš halda D-Wade žar į bę?

Danķel Karl (IP-tala skrįš) 23.7.2009 kl. 02:45

2 Smįmynd: Emmcee

Ętti alla vega aš halda honum rólegum um tķš.

Emmcee, 23.7.2009 kl. 08:35

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