Turkoglu semur viš Toronto Raptors

Free-agent forward Hedo Turkoglu decided Friday he won't be playing for the Portland Trail Blazers. Negotiations ended because, a source told The Oregonian newspaper of Portland, "It just wasn't the right fit."

Turkoglu, a 6-10 forward, turned down a five-year, $50 million offer from the Trail Blazers.

Instead, he likely will re-sign with the Toronto Raptors, Yahoo! Sports reports. His Raptors deal could be worth $56 million over five years.

And here's the kicker!

Turkoglu's wife wants to live in Toronto, a far more European-style city, according to the Yahoo! story. The Raptors have embraced the Euro game under GM Bryan Colangelo, building a roster that includes Euro talents Jose Calderon and Andrea Bargnani.

HookUp:  Sporting News

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