Ron Artest fer til Lakers

Nś ętti Ron-Ron aš geta tušaš ķ vini sķnum Kobe Bryant į hverjum degi...

Ron Artest has told Ken Berger of that he will sign with the Los Angeles Lakers.

"I'm definitely going to L.A. -- to sign, yeah," Artest said in a phone interview. "Lakers, Lakers, Lakers. I'm in L.A. right now."

Artest said he met with Lakers owner Dr. Jerry Buss Thursday and previously had spoken with Lakers coach Phil Jackson. He was en route to his financial manager's office, where he planned to huddle on the phone with his agent, David Bauman, to finalize details.

The parameters of the deal still need to be agreed upon, however.

"I don't really care about the money," Artest said. "I'll play there for nothing. ... L.A. was very interested in me, and they got me."

HookUp:  RealGM

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1 identicon

Helvķtis fokking fokk!

Grétar (IP-tala skrįš) 3.7.2009 kl. 08:36

2 Smįmynd: Ottó Freyr Ašalsteinsson

fuck me   fucking jśdas

Ottó Freyr Ašalsteinsson, 3.7.2009 kl. 10:54

3 identicon

Snilldin ein.....į samt eftir aš sjį eftir Ariza

Siggi (IP-tala skrįš) 3.7.2009 kl. 14:02

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