Celtics ętla aš reyna viš 'Sheed

Celtics president of basketball operations Danny Ainge told Comcast Sportsnet's Gary Tanguay today that he was interested in free-agent forward Rasheed Wallace, and that the team would meet with him soon.

"I think he would love playing with [Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, and Ray Allen]," Ainge told Tanguay.

No timetable has been set for Wallace's meeting with the Celtics, according to Tanguay, though he thought it would be soon.

HookUp:  Boston Globe

Nżjustu fregnir hins vegar herma aš vel mannaš liš sé į leiš til Detroit aš ręša viš kappann.  Menn eins og Wyc Grousbeck, Danny Ainge, Doc Rivers, KG, Paul Pierce og Ray Allen.

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