Gordon og Villenueva til Pistons

Okey... veit aš ég er massa seinn meš žessa, en... 

DETROIT (AP) -A person with the knowledge of the negotiations says the Detroit Pistons have agreed in principle to contracts with free agents Ben Gordon and Charlie Villanueva.

The person spoke to The Associated Press on Wednesday night on the condition of anonymity because NBA rules prohibit teams from announcing free agent signings until next week.

Gordon, the third pick in the 2004 draft by the Chicago Bulls, agreed to a 5-year deal for at least $50 million.

Villanueva agreed to a five-year deal. His contract is worth at least $35 million.

HookUp:  Associated Press

Nokkuš ljóst aš Gordon fęr ekki $55 mills til aš hvķla Rip Hamilton.  Engin skynsemi ķ žvķ aš hafa tvo 20 stiga SG ķ sama lišinu og hvaš žį aš žurfa aš borga žeim bįšum um $11-12 mills į įri.  Spurning hvert Rip veršur sendur...

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