Dętur Red Auerbach ekki sįttar viš samanburš viš Phil Jax

Not to take away from Phil, but it's a different record," said Randy Auerbach, who lives in Los Angeles. "You're talking about a record with one team in which he won the first one and then won in eight consecutive years. Phil did it with two different teams and it wasn't consistently. It's about quantity. If that's his case, good for him.

"But it has to be broken down. It's a different record. How do you compare eight in a row, nine in 10 years?"

Phil Jackson er žeim sammįla ķ grunninn:

"Red probably could have won two or three more championships," said Jackson. "But I think Bill, to kind of keep him involved, he turned the team over to Bill in that general manager role and Bill went on to win a couple more championships, playing and coaching at that time. So it's completely different.

"Of course, free agency wasn't part of the game. It was eight and then expanded to 10 teams at that time. Maybe it was nine there and then went to 10. So it was a different league entirely."

HookUp:  The Boston Globe

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