Turk ętlar aš lįta reyna į free agency
Umbošsmašur Hedo Turkoglu hefur gefiš žaš śt aš Turk muni nżta sér uppsagnarįkvęši ķ samningi sķnum til aš lįta reyna į tilboš frį öšrum félögum.
"It would make sense for him to opt out," Lon Babby, Turkoglu's agent said by phone. "I can't imagine a scenario in which he would not."
The Magic have wanted to avoid paying the punitive luxury tax, but team president Bob Vander Weide said recently that the club could change that stance to accommodate Turkoglu.
Turkoglu is scheduled to make $7.3 million next season in the final year of a six-year, $36 million deal.
Babby expects the market for Turkoglu --- a versatile 6-10 forward who can run an offense --- to be "robust."
HookUp: Orlando Sentinel
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