Shaq višurkennir neyslu įrangursbętandi efna

Ķ śtvarpsvištali nżlega višurkenndi Shaq aš hafa neytt Performance-Enhancing-Cereals (PEC) allan ferilinn sem ekki męlast ķ lyfjaprófum...

I've told the world before, only thing I had was Frosted Flakes: Super Enhancement Cereal. That's the only thing I've put in my body. Frosted Flakes Athletic Performance Enhancement Cereal. They ain't even out yet ...

For all the little kids, the Performance Enhancement Cereal is you take the Frosted Flakes, and you take the Froot Loops, and you mix them together, and then you get some of them sliced bananas and you put them on that thing, and then you get a big old bowl ... 

The kind of bowl if you pull out your mother say, 'Boy, you better put that bowl back!'  And, then you pour that milk ... 'You better get a job eating all that milk.' 'Mama, we ain't got no milk.' 'Well, you better put some water on that boy!

Ešlilegur žessi gaur? 

HookUp:  Ball Don't Lie

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