Eminem vištališ į Shade45

Ekkert svo sem merkilegt žar į ferš... 3AM singullinn var ekki frumfluttur, žannig aš žetta var bara nett bla bla... Samantekt:

Respects T.I., Wayne, etc. Says that he would work with Wayne (just hasn’t had the time). Dre did the entire album (with the help of Em on We Made You; Em did one other). He picked beats that challenged him (rhythm wise). Every flow is different over unique beats. 3AM (and the album) is on a different vibe of the single. He’s censoring himself less this time around. States that he’s still Eminem (but Slim Shady is back). Relapse 2 will be out at the end of the year (if not finished, it’s extremely close to being done). 50 & Dre are the only guests on Relapse. He doesn’t know how to work a computer. Bigs up Kim K. The shots at celebrities should just be taken at face value. Ya’ll should be used to it by now!

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HookUp:  2DopeBoyz

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