Amy Winehouse hafnar samstarfi meš Eminem



The Real Slim Shady rapper, whose new track We Made You hits shops on Monday, asked Amy to feature on his next album Relapse, out next month.

He reckoned the Rehab singer could help him repeat the success of his superhit Stan, which topped charts around the world in 2000.

Key to its brilliance was the contribution of Amy’s fellow Londoner DIDO, whose song Thank You provided its backbone.

Eminem wanted Amy to work similar magic for him — but the beehived one had other ideas.

My source says: “Amy was flattered by the offer. She loves hip-hop and is a big fan of Eminem. But she didn’t feel it was the right thing to do at the present time.”

Another insider adds: “Eminem has followed Amy’s career closely. They have both had drug addiction issues and he empathises with her and hoped to feature her on Relapse.

“His idea was to make a track as magical as Stan. But unfortunately Amy declined.

“He understands that recently she hasn’t been in a state to focus on music because of her tumultuous private life but he hopes they will get together on a future project.”

Hookup:  The Sun

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1 Smįmynd: Ómar Ingi

Og sagan segir aš hann hafi tekiš neitununni illa upp og ķ myndbandinu well u know the rest .....

En žaš hefši veriš gaman aš vera ķ stśdķóinu meš Amy og Snoop žegar žś reyktu sig ķ dį : )

Ómar Ingi, 17.4.2009 kl. 17:28

2 Smįmynd: Emmcee

Word og word.

Emmcee, 17.4.2009 kl. 17:56

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