Mest óžolandi leikmenn NBA deildarinnar

b78454069z120090107085645000ggng104j1_lgOrange County Register tók nżlega saman lista yfir leišinlegustu leikmenn deildarinnar allra tķma.  Žar trjónir į toppinum enginn annar en Sasha Vujacic.  Hann er aš fara nett ķ taugarnar į leikmönnum deildarinnar og lenti nżveriš ķ rifrildi viš Chris Paul og kvartaši ķ dómurum og blašamönnum eftir leikinn aš CP3 hafi kallaš hann "bitch".  Ok, sį sem vęlir yfir žvķ aš vera kallašur "bitch" inni į vellinum er einfaldlega biiiatch.  Hver sį sem ekki žolir smį trash talk į vellinum ętti aš skipta yfir ķ blak eša keilu.  Listinn er annars žannig:

Sasha Vujacic
Sasha Vujacic yells after falling to the ground after fouling New York's Al Harrington in this file photo. Vujacic - fresh off being insulted by New Orlean's Chris Paul throughout Tuesday's game - is perhaps the least popular Laker outside of the Laker Nation.

Vlade Divac
The center with the good hands is best known by critics for his famous flop after barely being touched while playing post defense. lists these nicknames for Divac: The King of Flop, Floppy Divac, Sir Flops Alot, The Serbian Flop Monster.

Dennis Rodman
Ah, where to begin? The dirty play, the technicals, the piercings, the kicking of photographers, the wedding dress? While Rodman may be the most disliked player on this list, Lakers Coach Phil Jackson calls him the greatest athlete he ever coached.

Bill Laimbeer
The baddest of the Bad Boys, Detroit's Bill Laimbeer, right, was one of the most hated players in NBA history. He brought the NBA goon to a whole new level. (In this photo, James Worthy, left, goes up for a basket against Detroit's Bill Laimbeer during a June 21, 1988 NBA Championship game at the Forum in Inglewood.

Rasheed Wallace
One of the best power forwards the game has ever seen, Wallace often leads the NBA in technical fouls. In true Wallace fashion, he says he's being singled out by the referees.

Ron Artest
What do you have to do to get suspended for a season? How about charging the stands and swinging at fans? That's what Artest did against Detroit on Nov.19, 2004 - only a few months after asking his coach for a month off to rest after promoting an album on his record label.

Rick Mahorn
One of three Detroit players on the list, Mahorn was once called "the baddest Bad Boy of them all" as a 6-foot-10 low-post player.

Danny Ainge
To Laker fans, he may be the most reviled player of them all. Why? Besides playing for the Boston Celtics, Ainge bounced around the West playing for Lakers' rivals Sacramento, Phoenix and Portland. His fiery playing style didn't sit too well with players either. In 1983, he was ejected for throwing punches at Tree Rollins - a 7-foot-1 player for Atlanta.

Charles Barkley
Before his folksian analysis on TNT basketball broadcasts refurbished his image, Charles Barkely was disliked greatly outside those rooting for his various teams: Philadelphia, Phoenix and Houston.

Josh Howard
2008 was a bad year for the 6-foot-7 Dallas player. During that year, he got arrested for allegedly street racing, threw a birthday party for himself after a playoff loss - and criticized the National Anthem while it was being played on live television. He said "I don't celebrate this (expletive). I'm black." A few months later, Howard apologized for disrespecing the anthem.

Vernon Maxwell
In 1995, a decade before Ron Artest charged the stands, "Mad Max" stormed into the Portland stands to punch a fan. Later that season, he faked a hamstring injury because he was frustrated with his lack of playing time. In the ensuing years, Maxwell allegedly flashed his private parts at the driver of another car after an auto accident and paid a woman a settlement after knowingly infecting her with herpes.

Stephon Marbury
The star guard from Georgia Tech has hit rocky times in New York. After disrupting team chemistry once he lost his starting job with the Knicks, Marbury was banned from going to Knicks' games or practices - so Marbury bought a courtside seat in Maidson Square Garden.

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1 identicon

Kevin Garnett -

Vinnur ekki jack fyrstu 13 įrin sķn ķ NBA. Er loks trade-aš ķ liš meš tveimur öšrum All-Star leikmönnum og žeir vinna titilinn. Hvaš gerir žį Garnett? Jś hann fer aš trash-talka viš ašra leikmenn og spyr žį hvar hringurinn žeirra sé. Sem vęri ekkert óešlilegt ķ NBA en Garnett velur eingöngu nżliša (sem hafa žvķ ekki įtt möguleika į hring) og litla bakverši (helst frį Evrópu). Mašurinn sżnir og sannar bara hversu mikiš punk hann er. Hann segir ekki orš viš gaura ķ sinni stęrš eša gaura sem geta eitthvaš ķ körfuknattleik. Hann er svona eins og bully ķ skóla sem ręšst į litlu krakkana.

President (IP-tala skrįš) 9.1.2009 kl. 09:54

2 Smįmynd: Emmcee

Garnett klįraši ekki einu sinni high school žannig aš žaš ętti aš segja manni allt sem žarf.  KG er samt öflugur leikmašur žó hann sé steik. 

Ég sakna žess aš sjį ekki Bruce Bowen žarna į žessum lista.  Žarf aš taka saman best of Bruce Bowen (eša öllu heldur "worst of")einhvern tķmann. 

Emmcee, 9.1.2009 kl. 10:08

3 identicon

mašur segir ekki aš mašur sé bestur ķ vištölum eins og Paul Pierce gerši eša eins og eg kalla hann "Mr Best player in the world"

paul pierce (IP-tala skrįš) 9.1.2009 kl. 12:28

4 Smįmynd: Emmcee

Kermit Washington, sem spilaši fyrir LA Lakers back in the day, į kannski ekki beint heima į žessum lista en hann er žekktur fyrir žaš eitt ķ NBA deildinni aš hafa kjįlkabrotiš Rudy Tomjanovich (sem varš svo žjįlfari Houston Rockets) ķ leik įriš 1977.  Kķkiš į žetta myndband.

Emmcee, 9.1.2009 kl. 13:18

5 identicon

Sį žįttinn um Washington į NBA TV um daginn og žaš er nś óhętt aš segja aš hann hafi fengiš sķna refsingu. Gęinn var gjörsamlega śtilokašur frį öllu tengdu NBA, fékk enga vinnu eša neitt. Aš ógleymdum lķflįtshótunum sem streymdu til hans og konunnar. Hressandi. Ég vil samt meina aš hann sé misskilinn og rudy hafi einfaldlega skallaš olnbogann į honum.

En smį um Garnett vin minn. Hérna er gott video:

President (IP-tala skrįš) 9.1.2009 kl. 13:55

6 identicon

Sammįla Prez meš Garnett...farinn aš fara verulega ķ taugarnar į mér meš skķtacommentum eins og where“s your ring og aš nķšast į litlum tittum...Žaš vęri gaman aš sjį hann böggast ķ Dwight Howard.

Annars hef ég aldrei veriš hrifinn af spilamennsku Carmelo...ef žaš er eitthvaš svarthol ķ deildinni žį er žaš hann.

Starason (IP-tala skrįš) 9.1.2009 kl. 13:56

7 identicon

Dwight Howard myndi kremja Garnett meš handarkrikanum.

President (IP-tala skrįš) 9.1.2009 kl. 14:00

8 identicon

Sį sem skrifaši žetta um Sasha hefur greinilega ekki séš žetta atvik, hann hefši sjįlfur fariš aš vęla. Sasha féll lįréttur ķ gólfiš en fékk villuna žar sem hann var innan svokallašs "restricted area" en hvaš um žaš....

 Į žennan lista vantar tvo leikmenn: Kobe og Bruce Bowen. Žessi listi hefur nś veriš geršur meš hįlfum hug og er einn sį tussulegasti sem ég hef séš. Gęinn sem Mad Max barši įtti žaš skiliš...

Ragnar Mįr (IP-tala skrįš) 11.1.2009 kl. 01:02

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