Donald Sterling er drullusokkur
...og ekki bara žaš žį er hann creep lķka. Fyrrverandi GM Clippers-lišsins Elgin Baylor kęrši nżveriš uppsögn sķna hjį lišinu og viš vitnaleišslur kom žetta fram um eiganda lišsins:
While ignoring my suggestions and isolating me from decisions customarily reserved for general managers, the Clippers attempted to place the blame for the teams failures on me, Baylor said in the declaration. During this same period, players Sam Cassell, Elton Brand and Corey Maggette complained to me that DONALD STERLING would bring women into the locker room after games, while the players were showering, and make comments such as, Look at those beautiful black bodies. I brought this to Sterlings attention, but he continued to bring women into the locker room.
Skal einhvern undra aš mórallinn sé slappur ķ žessu liši? Hann hefur lķka reyndar gargaš ķtrekaš "fitubolla" inn į völlinn ķ įtt aš Baron Davis ķ leikjum, en ég ętla ekki aš mótmęla žeim athugasemdum.
HookUp: Pro Basketball Talk
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.