Um žrķhyrnings-kerfiš:
"See, I can't really understand the Triangle [offense]," he admits. "There's 1,000 plays in the Triangle. It's such a challenge. I get so frustrated about it, I have to call my psychiatrist. So I just stay in my one spot in the corner. If I leave my spot, I get yelled at. Phil's gonna say, 'What are you doing over there?!?' So I just don't move."
Um višrekstur inni į vellinum:
Ron Ron is having his usual pregame meal. A can of beans. "Beans are nature's steroids!" he says.
But don't they, uh, backfire on you during the game?
"Not on me they don't. Other people, yeah. But I always blame it on the refs."
Žaš er bara til einn Ron Artest...
HookUp: ESPN - True Hoop
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