Phil Jax gefur lķtiš fyrir spįdóma um 72 sigurleiki

Mikiš var talaš um aš Miami Heat myndu jafna eša jafnvel bęta met Chicago Bulls 1996 yfir flesta sigurleiki į heilu tķmabili eša 72 sigurleiki.  Nś hafa Heat tapaš žremur leikjum af žeim įtta sem lišiš hefur spilaš og sżnir enn sem komiš er enga tilburši til aš ógna žessu meti.  Lakers hins vegar hafa nś unniš alla žį įtta leiki sem lišiš hefur spilaš og viršist vera aš smella vel saman, en žjįlfari lišsins, Phil Jackson er alveg į jöršinni žegar žaš berst ķ tal aš slį žetta met:

"That really happened with the team in '95-96. They knew how to blow teams out and put them away in the early part of the second period. Everything kind of fell into place for us, also.

"We went on a long road trip and three of the five teams or eight teams we played on that road trip had injuries to players who were important players. We won seven out of eight games on that road trip. Things like that happened."

Jackson said his Michael Jordan-led Bulls teams of the 1990 s were extremely competitive, as evidenced by their ability to shut down teams with a suffocating defense. He doesn't quite see the same defensive commitment from the current Lakers team.


HookUp:  Daily News

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