Newsflash! Vince Carter meš meiddi
Half Man - Half Hurt rann ķ bleytu og tognaši į mjöšm...... jebb.
This time it wasn't Carter's fault. As the Orlando Sentinel reports, Carter took a nasty slip on a wet spot on the court, collapsing to the ground in horrific fashion, even by Carter's standards. Magic coach Stan Van Gundy sounds like he's so angry his mustache is about to fly off of his face:
Van Gundy said Vince Carter injured himself after slipping on a wet spot. Carter hobbled off after falling with one minute and 45 seconds left and did not return. He said he has a sore hip and knee.
"We got a guy hurt simply because they wouldn't dry a damn wet spot," said Van Gundy, who added that a Bobcat player slipped in the spot earlier. "When a player goes down they're supposed to do it. They didn't care. That's ridiculous. I'm just ticked off."
HookUp: CBS Sports
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