NBA deildin bannar Concept1 skóna
Athletic Propulsion Labs hafa gefiš žaš śt aš Concept1 skórnir žeirra eigi aš bęta stökkkraft leikmanna umtalsvert. Sel žaš žó ekki dżrara en ég keypti žaš, en svo mikiš viršist vera til ķ žessu aš NBA deildin hefur nś bannaš notkun žeirra ķ leikjum:
For the first time in its 64-year history, the National Basketball Association (NBA) has banned a new line of shoes based on the leagues rule against an unfair competitive advantage that increases a players vertical leap. The leagues ban on Athletic Propulsion Labs Concept 1 confirms the companys claims that the shoe, with its Load N Launch Technology, performs as advertised. No professional player will be allowed to wear the product in games for the upcoming 2010-2011 NBA season.
We were not exactly shocked to hear the NBA chose to ban our shoes, said APL co-founder Adam Goldston. The Load N Launch Technology not only provides an instant and dramatic increase in vertical leap, but the biomechanical testing showed that the players exerted far less energy as a result.
NBA deildin hefur einu sinni įšur bannaš skó en žaš voru Air Jordan 1 skórnir. Žeir voru hins vegar bannašir vegna žess aš žį įttu allir skór aš vera alveg eša nįnast alveg hvķtir.
Ég tel reyndar aš žetta verši bara til aš hępa upp skóna og selja žį enn betur.
Meginflokkur: Kicks | Aukaflokkur: NBA | Breytt s.d. kl. 17:35 | Facebook
er žį loksins hęgt aš nota must be the shoes afsökunina ef einhver hamrar ķ grilliš į manni
tony (IP-tala skrįš) 20.10.2010 kl. 18:46
Klįrlega... gaurinn er ķ Concept1. Annars fer ólķkum sögum af žvķ hvort žetta raunverulega virki. Kķkiš į žessu myndbönd.
Emmcee, 20.10.2010 kl. 21:22
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.