Sade hefur hafnaš aš syngja meš Jay-Z
Žessi gella er ekkert aš rugla neitt...
One 21st century music business convention she does acknowledge enjoying is sampling. "When it comes to sample clearances, I'm probably the cheapest chick in the west," she says, quite amused by that idea. She has, however, turned down many prominent MCs, including Jay Z, who have wanted to rhyme over her beats or do "collabos" with her singing a hook on a hip-hop track.
"I'm too scared," she says. "They'll find me out. It's like 'The Wizard of Oz.' They'll find out there's nothing there. As for collaborations, I'm collaborating with the band and do what we do. I see myself as a member of this band who does these songs that we write."
HookUp: LA Times
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