Nets og Knicks hækka miðaverð á leiki gegn Miami Heat

They couldn't bag the elephant so now they try to profit from it... það verður dýrt að berja rokkstjörnurnar í Heat augum á komandi leiktíð.

What a LeCon job!

The NBA calls it "variable pricing," but the Knicks and Nets have made it variable pricing on steroids.

The Knicks and Nets didn't get LeBron James but certainly are trying to profit from him. The two Garden games against the Miami Heat's Dream Team have been marked up by the Knicks as much as three to four times normal ticket prices.

The Nets also use "variable pricing" and a team spokesman said the most popular games can be as much as three times the price of lower-end opponents at Newark's Prudential Center.

A 400-level Garden seat vs. Atlanta in November costs $34.50, according to TicketMaster. But the same 400-level seat for the Dec. 27 showdown vs. James' Heat runs $129.50 -- nearly four times the normal cost.


HookUp:  NY Post

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