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Viti menn?!  Andrew Bynum veršur frį žar til loka nóvember.

The Los Angeles Lakers starting center, Andrew Bynum, reported that he will be out of action until the end of November.

Head-coach Phil Jackson stated the other day that Bynum could miss the first three to four games of the season, but today’s news reports otherwise.

Doctors have given Bynum a four-week timetable before he can get back onto the court for full workouts.

At the age of 23, the young center has already partially dislocated his kneecap, torn his medial collateral ligament in his right knee, and is now rehabbing his right knee after having surgery due to a tear in his meniscus.

Mįliš er hins vegar aš hann hefši getaš veriš löngu bśinn aš fara ķ žessa ašgerš og löngu bśinn aš nį sér eftir sumariš.  Bynum hins vegar įkvaš frekar aš fara til S-Afrķku aš djamma į HM ķ sumar og vildi ekkert djęfa žar į hękjum eša haltrandi svo hann frestaši ašgeršinni.  Grķšarleg fagmennska žar į ferš.  Bynum hefur ekki spilaš heilt season sķšan 2006-7 og ašeins spilaš 278 leiki į žeim 5 įrum sem hann hefur veriš ķ deildinni eša um 67% allra leikja. 

HookUp:  NBA PrimeTime

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