Okey, Ron Artest ER gešveikur
Hann ętlar aš selja NBA meistarhringinn sinn hęstbjóšanda og gefa peninginn til styrktar........ wait for it............. gešheilbrigšismįla!
Artest finally won a title in June after 11 regular seasons of trying ... and now he's planning to sell the championship ring as a fundraiser to put more psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists in schools.
"I'm never going to put it on," he said.
Artest plans to soon announce details of what he hopes will become a worldwide auction, and he takes possession of the jewelry in an Oct. 26 pre-game ceremony before the Lakers open against the Rockets. It's an incredible gesture. But it's even more meaningful as a statement.
"You work so hard to get a ring, and now you have a chance to help more people than just yourself, instead of just satisfying yourself," he said. "What's better than that? For me, this is very important."
"I'm never going to put it on"???!!!! Hress strįkur hann Ron Ron. Viš erum aš tala um mann sem mętti į nęrbuxunum ķ žįttinn hjį Jimmy Kimmel og įtti einn eftirminnilegasta blašamannafund sem ég hef séš eftir sigurinn į Boston ķ sumar. En fallega hugsaš af honum samt.
HookUp: Ball Don't Lie
Kallinn hahaha
Ómar Ingi, 12.9.2010 kl. 12:16
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.