Nate Robinson į bekknum og Celtics spara pening

Ég hef einmitt velt žvķ mikiš fyrir mér til hvers žetta treid var gert į sķnum tķma, žar sem bįšir leikmenn eru meš lausan samning ķ sumar.  Eddie House var oršinn pirrašur į litlu hlutverki hjį Celtics og langaši aftur aš spila fyrir Mike D'Antoni.  Mike D'Antoni var aš brjįlast į Nate Robinson, žannig aš treidiš kannski var skiljanlegt frį New York hlišinni žvķ Robinson var meš žaš sem leit śt fyrir aš vera mun stęrri samningur.  Žį kemur žetta ķ ljós:

Boston Celtics guard Nate Robinson was benched for two games near the end of the regular season, and it cost him $1 million, while saving the team twice that amount.

A clause in Robinson's contract calls for him to make a $1 million bonus if he both played in at least 58 games and made the playoffs this season. Robinson's Celtics are in the postseason but he played in 56 games. As a result, the Celtics saved the $1 million they would have paid Robinson -- equivalent to a quarter of his reported annual salary -- and an additional $1 million they would have owed in luxury tax to the NBA.

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