Ilgauskas gęti endaš aftur hjį Cleveland
It is generally assumed that the Wizards will buy out the last year of Ilgauskas' contract, which will pay him $11.5 million. That would leave Ilgauskas free to sign with any team, including the Cavaliers, although he would have to wait 30 days to re-sign with Cleveland. He would not have to wait to sign with another team, but he must be bought out before March 1 in order to be eligible for the playoffs.
"I'm going to try to get them to do a buy-out, but I've already heard from a few teams - good teams - that are really interested in wanting to talk about Z going to play for them," Rudoy said. "That doesn't surprise me. He's still a very good player. He's a very interesting player who can still be a very good center in this league.
"I don't know exactly what's going to happen. I think his heart is in Cleveland, that's for sure.
HookUp: Cleveland Plain Dealer
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