Darco Milicic til Minnesota Timberwolves

The New York Knicks have a deal in principle to send Darko Milicic to the Minnesota Timberwolves for Brian Cardinal, two sources with knowledge of the talks told ESPN.com on Wednesday.

The two sides have yet to formally complete the trade and have a trade call scheduled for Thursday morning. Assuming nothing changes overnight, the deal should be officially consummated in the morning.

HookUp:  True Hoop

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1 Smįmynd: Ómar Ingi

Hvaš Meš Tracy M er hann aš męta į Svęšiš ?

Ómar Ingi, 18.2.2010 kl. 17:17

2 Smįmynd: Emmcee

T-Mac farinn til Sacramento Kings

Emmcee, 18.2.2010 kl. 17:24

3 identicon

T-Mac kominn til Knicks

President (IP-tala skrįš) 18.2.2010 kl. 23:41

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