NBA Jam snżr aftur!

NBA Jam is coming back.

Yes, that 1993 game brought me as much joy in that era as much as Baywatch bikini slow-mo jogging. The game had its obvious flaws like Michael Jordan’s absence, but in retrospect didn’t that add to his legend? As a result the sub-par Pippen/Grant combo proved to be more memorable in the process.

What was your favorite on court duo? Most would say Malone/Stockton or LJ/Mourning. But you couldn’t sleep on the Rony Seikly/Glen Rice tandem or how about Jeff Hornacek/Clarence Weatherspoon pairing?

Now that EA Sports bought the rights, I’m curious on what they’ll decide to do for the Wii console. As long as they bring back classic phrases like “He’s on Fire!” I’m straight. Either way, I know I’ll be throwing the control across the room in defeat as well as gloating in victory screaming “Boomshakalacka!”

HookUp:  The Smoking Section

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1 identicon

Bśinn aš bķša lengi eftir aš fį žennan leik aftur en hvaša rugl er žaš aš hafa žetta bara į Wii. Ég vil fį žetta į PS3!

President (IP-tala skrįš) 7.1.2010 kl. 10:37

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