"I just want to reach out to you so I can set the record straight regarding the Michael Jackson track ‘Another Day'. A part of the song leaked, not by me, because mine has been locked up in a vault since we recorded it. This song was recorded by Michael and myself. I produced it for him, I wrote the song, and I played all the instruments on the track. It was one of the most amazing musical experiences that I’ve had. I hope fans will be able to hear it in its entirety when it’s ready for a proper release. That’s all being worked out." - Lenny Kravitz
Gamalt , bara óútgefið og retouchað.
Ómar Ingi, 4.1.2010 kl. 22:16
Nú... er þá Tupac og Biggie ekki heldur á lífi?! Áttaði mig alveg á því, Ommi minn... en þetta er svít skítur þrátt fyrir það.
Emmcee, 4.1.2010 kl. 22:23
President (IP-tala skráð) 4.1.2010 kl. 22:26
"I just want to reach out to you so I can set the record straight regarding the Michael Jackson track ‘Another Day'. A part of the song leaked, not by me, because mine has been locked up in a vault since we recorded it. This song was recorded by Michael and myself. I produced it for him, I wrote the song, and I played all the instruments on the track. It was one of the most amazing musical experiences that I’ve had. I hope fans will be able to hear it in its entirety when it’s ready for a proper release. That’s all being worked out." - Lenny Kravitz
Emmcee, 4.1.2010 kl. 22:49
Elvis ekki gleyma Elvis
Ómar Ingi, 5.1.2010 kl. 00:55
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
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